Login with Instagram does not work

Due to the requirements for apps like LightWidget, which use the official Instagram API, we had to disable the direct option to log in with Instagram. This article will show you the new method of logging in.

Step 1 – Create a user account on LightWidget

If this is your first time on the LightWidget website or if you logged in using “Login with Instagram” in the past, you will need to create an email-based user account first on this page – Create an account.

If you already have an email-based user account, please log in to your existing account using your email and password instead of creating a new one.

Screenshot showing create account page.

Step 2 – Connect your Instagram account using the Consumer connection

After you create your email-based user account or log in using your email and password, you will see your Dashboard. Please connect a new Instagram account using the Consumer connection method in the Instagram account section.

All the widgets created under “Login with Instagram” will be imported to your new user account.

Screenshot showing Consumer connection button.


Here is the list of frequently asked questions regarding the deprecation of Instagram login.

I connected my Instagram account, but the widgets did not import.

Please ensure that:

  1. You’ve used the Consumer connection, not the Business connection method while connecting your account. 
  2. You’ve used the Instagram account from which the photos should be visible in the widget.

Is using the same email address necessary when I upgraded the widget in the past?

No, you don’t need to use the same email address.

Do I need a new user account for each of my Instagram accounts?

It is not necessary. You can create one email-based user account and connect multiple Instagram accounts to one user account.

Will I have to pay for my widget again?

No! When connecting your Instagram accounts using the Consumer connection method, the upgraded widget will import to your user account. You will not need to pay for another add-on for your existing upgraded Instagram widget!

Comments (11)

  • This Instagram account is already linked to another user.


    • LightWidget profile picture

      Hi! The given Instagram account can be linked to only one user at a time. Please make sure that you didn't connect it to some other user. Alternatively please contact us via our support page to get more details about your Instagram account:)


  • This Instagram account is already linked to another user. How do I find out the code of the existing account?


    • LightWidget profile picture

      Hi there! Please drop us a support ticket, we will provide you with more information:)


  • Hi! When an old widget gets imported to a new account, does the iframe snippet to embed remain the same or will the dashboard generate a new one with a new ID?


    • LightWidget profile picture

      Hi! The embed code remains the same:) No need to change anything on your website.


  • I have a paid widget but it doesn't work, I've tried connecting the account and it still doesn't solve it, I tried contacting support and without success :( WIDGET ID 8f08e79d71615d5c8991237638c8c2e9


    • LightWidget profile picture

      Hi there! Your widget should be working fine now, there was some misconfiguration on our end which was now fixed. We are sorry for the trouble. Regarding your contact with our support. We didn’t find any support ticket send from your email. If you sent it from another email, please share the support ticket ID and we’ll see what happened to your request. We try to reply to every support ticket;)


  • Tenho um widget pago mas não esta funcionando direto como antes, toda vez que atualizo as informações no meus instagram ele nao atualiza no site, tenho que vim no painel mexer! já tentei entrar em contato com o suporte e sem sucesso :( WIDGET ID 660539531d525e82917f9e8c9aac9e49


    • LightWidget profile picture

      Olá! Certamente, não deve funcionar como você descreveu. Tentamos procurar o tíquete de suporte enviado de seu endereço de e-mail, mas não encontramos nenhum. Por favor, responda a este comentário com o ID do ticket de suporte para que possamos identificar o seu caso. Como alternativa, envie um novo tíquete de suporte ou entre em contato conosco através de nossa página no Facebook.


  • This Instagram account is already linked to another user. How do I find out the code of the existing account?


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